
Cinevan Replacement Project

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
Challenge Enterprises of Ghana has eight (8) Cinevans on the road moving from town to town showing Gospel films and selling Christian Literature. The effectiveness of this ministry is greatly enhanced by the involvement of local Churches in the preparations for a visit, the actual showing of the films, and in the subsequent and follow-up.

When a town or District is visited by a Cinevan, capable and mature Church Leaders and active Christian fellowships are asked to be responsible for planning, promoting, and conducting the follow-up of the Cinevan visit. Challenge Enterprises provides follow-up materials and links those who receive Christ to their various Bible Courses. Further, those who pray to receive Christ are given How to Experience New Life in Christ by the Cinema team. Those who are literate receive follow-up materials and are linked to the Challenge Enquiry Centre to pursue Young Searchers League and Mail Box Club correspondence courses.