
House of Hope : Infant Nursing home In Famine Areas Operation

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
The House of Hope cares for babies in the Langano area who have lost their mothers during the critical months of infancy in order to give them a greater chance of survival. The House of Hope cares for infants by feeding them, loving them, and giving them back to their families when they are better prepared to survive the rigors of life in rural Ethiopia (between 7-9 months old). The requirement for returning a baby to their family is when they are able to drink from a cup and eat table food. The House of Hope offers hope to families in desperate situations where there might otherwise be none. By doing so, SIM cares for the fundamental physical and spiritual needs of not only these babies, but also their families. This builds bridges into communites and offers ripe opportunities to share Christ more effectively. When a baby returns home the families are given Bibles in their heart language, the babies are prayed over before they are discharged and their progress of growth and development is followed, enabling continuity of care.