
CAUSEcafe Discipleship

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
Imagine a church leader, maybe with their own Bible, maybe not. This church leader is leading a group of people with limited resources and no support. This is a difficult situation in which many church leaders find themselves in. Many church leaders are crying out for support and encouragement as they fight a very real spiritual battle.

Their cries have been heard and SIM wants to offer support. A conference centre has been built in Niger to host pastors and other church leaders. Conferences help those that feel isolated in ministry, the opportunity to network and feel refreshed. In Zambia, a similar conference occurs for church leaders. Seminars are offered to help enrich and encourage their walk with God.

Consider how you can help these projects train leaders in the church. As leaders are trained, God’s word is able to be spoken and preached to more people causing a ripple effect of growth.