
San Luis Church property Development

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
A property has been purchsed with the funds received to date. The church has experienced some difficulties but is now growing and exciting things are happening. People are taking the “Vida Abundante” course, there is a good adolescent group and Sunday mornings about 30 – 40 attend (1/2 adults and 1/2 kids). The church hired a new pastor. He is from San Luis and studied at the Bible Institute in Huanaco.

The people who attend the church are mainly farm workers so they are fairly poor. Supporting the pastor is a stretch for them as they have a vision to reach out to all the villages in the valley and so give generously not only their tithes but are giving beyond to support the “missionary vision” they have for the valley. The Pastor needs a place to live. In a small village like San Luis it is impossible to find vacant housing so the church wants to build a “Casa pastoral” on the property. Existing construction is in very poor condition. Plans are being drawn for the entire property so futire construction will be according to a plan that will meet the needs for Sunday services, youth work and Sunday School.

The Congregation have been fund-raising and have saved a sizeable amount but it is clear that fully funding new construction is beyond their limited means.