
John Ockers Conference Centre - Maza Tsaye

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
For many years in Niger there has been a desperate heart cry of evangelists and pastors for refreshment and encouragement. Suitable facilities do not exist in-country to hold key church equipping events. The Maza Tsaye property, former Maradi Farm School, located in the heartland of the Niger Church, is an ideal site for a conference/retreat centre because of its vast area and tremendous potential.

The Centre would be used for equipping the church through pastor/evangelist retreats, leadership development, training seminars, couples' retreats, national and regional church conferences, women's conferences, children & youth camps.

Beyond the existing facilities which include a classroom block, a 16 dorm facility with dining room, kitchen, toilet and shower facilities, future plans could include a conference meeting hall, housing for staff, a Christian school complex, a Christian teacher training college, a Christian university, etc.