
DOULOS Agro site development

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
An important aspect of the training of Christian leaders is also to equip them with practical living skills needed to improve their quality of life and ministries. Most student come with only subsistence farming experience. One objective of the school is to equip both men and women with practical life skills to improve farming techniques, broaden their experience and vision with regards to agriculture possibilities, and train in other locally reproducible income earning activities that will subsidize their incomes and improve their ministry and quality of life.

To achieve both the objective of training the students practically as well as provide a resource for the schools self-sufficiency financially, it is imperative that a suitable farm site be secured. This project is to secure and enclose the best available piece of land that can be negotiated. Land is becoming more and more difficult to secure for these purposes, and if the school is to realize this important aspect of its program, this aspect of the project needs to be developed.