
Ouagadougou Ministry and Training Center

Amount Raised $0.00
Team Goal $0.00
SIM Burkina purchased a house for the SIM-TEC (COMPUTER TRAINING OUTREACH) and the ENGLISH FOR EVERYONE ministries and began construction on a second floor. For a number of reasons including heavy new taxes on building construction and property transfer, unfavorable exchange rate, and increased building material costs, funds previously budgeted have not been able to complete renovations on the first floor and complete construction on the second floor. In spite of these financial restrictions, SIMTEC moved into second floor, partially completed facilities, in January 2010 and is now using these facilities for an expanded program of computer outreach activities. English for Everyone is occupying the first floor and currently has an expanded enrolment of 105 students. This project is to provide funds to complete first floor renovations, to complete second floor construction, and to pay outstanding tax on property transfer.