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The Grocery Store Test 2
Lu Kang
123 Street
Belleville, Ontario K1N 1N1
GPS: -77.3832315 44.1627589
Business Phone: 123-123-1234
Cell Phone: 123-123-1235
Toll Free: 1-800-123-1234

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The Grocery Store Test 2


This is a section of I-beam recovered from the ruins of the World Trade Centre. It serves as a memorial for those who lost their lives during the events of September 11th, 2001, and the continued impact the event has had on the world. Of the 2,977 victims, 343 were responding firefighters. In 2015, applications were submitted by communities around the world to acquire pieces of the World Trade Centre to establish memorials. Belleville was one of the first cities in Canada to be gifted a piece.

GPS Co-ordinates: 44º 10' 42.67" N 77º 22' 26.50" W (44.17833333, 77.37388889)

Street Address: Bettes Street at Station Street

Belleville's section is on display in No. 1 Firehall at Bettes and Station streets, across from the railway station. The huge section is visible from the street even when the building is closed to the public. Other historical artifacts are also on display throughout the building.


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Aenean sit amet porta ex. In porttitor purus velit. Sed placerat nibh at justo venenatis porta. Cras fermentum, nibh sit amet egestas congue, erat augue tincidunt massa, non vulputate elit lorem nec erat. Nunc porta erat vitae lobortis placerat. Aenean pretium libero nisi, quis lobortis sem blandit ornare. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin consectetur bibendum blandit.

The Grocery Store Test 2
Information Last Updated: Wednesday August 5, 2020

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